Lake Forest Garden Club Standing Rules
1. The Lake Forest Garden Club (LFGC) is subject to all rules, regulations and direction governing Lake Forest 1 (Beach and Tennis Club) while conducting business at this location.
2. Membership shall be capped at 150 , and new members may join in September or January.
3. Effective July 1, 2019, dues increased to $40.00, and $45.00 per couple.For each new fiscal year (July 1- June 30), dues are to be paid before June 1 and are considered in arrears after June 30. The Second Vice President (Membership) shall notify members in arrears. Members in arrears shall be dropped from membership for the next fiscal year, and they may rejoin as a new member based upon available openings.
4. Agenda items are to be provided to the President one (1) week rior to the Board Meeting.
5. Announcements to be made at the LFGC General Meeting shall not exceed two minutes. Permission to make an announcement at the meeting shall be obtained from the President prior to the day of the meeting. If approved, it is recommended to prepare written comments to announce.
6. Proposed amendments to be voted on during General Meetings shall require a quorum, defined as 50 members.
7. A Guest may attend LFGC General Meetings only two (2) times per year excluding December, February, and June.
8. Copies of the Bylaws and Standing Rules shall be made available to all LFGC members.
9. Publicity shall submit a timely notice of LFGC's monthly meetings and open activities of LFGC for the monthly local HOA publications.
10. The club's website shall provide members with updated information on LFGC and local activities available to members.
11. A monthly LFGC Newsletter shall be emailed to members prior to the monthly General Meeting. Members who wish to have a paper copy of the LFGC Newsletter printed and mailed to them shall pay an additional $10.00 annual fee.
12. No member's personal information shall be shared outside the club without the individual's prior consent. Any business enterprises shall be limited to LFGC Newsletter advertisement.
13. The Financial Records of the club shall be audited every 2 years.
14. Any expenses not listed in the annual budget must be approved by the Executive Board prior to incurring the expense. No member shall act as an agent or assume contractual and/or financial obligations without the approval of the Executive Board, otherwise the member runs the risk of being fiscally responsible for that expense.
15. Treasurers shall coordinate signature approval with the Bank.
16. Outgoing President shall be responsible for gifts to the outgoing Board members and for the selection and presentation to the recipient(s) of LFGC end-of-the-year award(s).
17. Outgoing First Vice President (Programs) shall:
(a) Ensure that a tree will be planted in the community in honor of each Outgoing President and plan a tribute for their service.
(b) Prepare a gift for the Outgoing President.
18. Incoming President shall determine who installs the Executive Board at the June meeting.
19. If an Executive Board position remains open, the present member may continue in the position for one (1) additional year.
20. Each member serving in a leadership position (Executive Board and Committee Chairs) is encouraged to create and maintain ongoing turnover documentation to more smoothly transfer duties to their successor.