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2024  Plant and Boutique Sale
May  11th  from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m

Our Annual Spring Plant Sale and Boutique is rapidly
approaching on the Saturday before Mother’s Day, May
11 th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is held in the parking lot of
the Lake Forest Beach & Tennis Clubhouse, 22921 Ridge Route.

This event is the biggest money-making fundraiser we
have in LFGC and helps fund the many philanthropic
projects we do throughout the city and for our club. It is
only as successful as the number of members
volunteering prior to and during the days before the Plant
Sale & Boutique and especially on the day of the event
Attached you will find two different sign-up sheets. Friday,
May 10 th is our “Prep” day from 8 am till noon or when
finished. We clean up all the planted baskets, i.e., cutting
the plastic around the plants, deadheading, or removing
plants that didn’t make it and replacing them with plants we
have available. Then moss is placed around the plants
which make a very pretty flower basket for sale. We also
clean up the succulent pots and add gravel or other
decorative stones that we may have.
Thirdly, we have the area where we will be making floral
arrangements, with added bows and accents.
All these items that have been cleaned up and created,
like the bouquets, will have to be priced by volunteers.
The day of the Plant Sale & Boutique is the busiest and of
course, the most important day. We start early at 6 a.m.
because all the “product” for sale, must be out into the
parking lot and placed on the tables of the various areas.
If you have wagons and want to donate them for use at the
Boutique, it would be greatly appreciated; please put your
name on it to be returned following the event. We need
many volunteers for this time and especially, some strong
men for putting pop-ups over the tables. The sale starts
at 8 a.m. and there are usually people waiting for the start,
so we have a lot to do before that can happen, thus the
need for more volunteers on the early shift. (set-up)
The 1st shift is 7:30-9:30 for each section, the 2nd shift is
9:30-11:30, and the 3rd shift is 11:30-1:00 which includes
clean up after the sale. We also appreciate those who can
work the entirety of the sale.
This event is a fun way to get involved, to meet other
members and work side by side with them, making new
friends in the process. Our wonderful Hospitality
Committee will have breakfast and lunch for all the
volunteers that day and snacks, coffee/tea on Friday, our
“Prep” day.
Please consider volunteering for both days, if you are
able, and know that our LFGC depends on its volunteer
members to have a successful Plant Sale & Boutique.
Together, we can make this the most successful one yet!

Any questions you might have, please feel free to email
me, Bonnie ,

Thank you,
Volunteer Coordinator

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